Iran willing to increase share in Azerbaijan's Shah Deniz gasfield

Iran willing to increase share in Azerbaijan's Shah Deniz gasfield
Head of Iran-Azerbaijan joint economic commission announced Tehran's desire to increase its share in phase 2 of development plan of Shah Deniz gasfield.

Minister of Communication and Information Technology Mahmoud Vaezi, who heads joint economic commission of Iran and Azerbaijan Republic, in an interview with Trend News Agency, said that negotiation to increase Iran's share in development plan of the phase 2 of Shah Deniz gasfield is under way with Azeri side.
He added that Iran's National Oil Company is one of share holders of development project of Shah Deniz gasfield (10 percent of share) and now is negotiating to increase our share in the project.
Head of joint secretariat of Iran and Azerbaijan Republic Mehdi Mohtashami-pour had already told Trend that Trans-Adriatic pipeline (TOP) could be a secure route for exporting Iran's gas to Europe.
TOP gas pipeline length of 800 kilometers is to be opened in 2017 and can export 10 billion cubic meters of Caspian Sea gas to Europe.
Mohtashami had already said that Iran is considering different routes to supply gas to other countries and Tans-Adriatic (TOP) is one of the routes.
He stressed that Iran is holding primary negotiations with Azerbaijan Republic and number of agreements have been reached, so far. 
Mohtashami-pour said that Tehran and Baku have plenty of joint fields for cooperation in the sector of oil and gas; exporting gas from Iran to Nakhchivan, Iran's participation in Trans-Adriatic pipeline (TOP) and Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline (TANAP) as well as cooperation in projects in Caspian Sea.
TANAP is to transit 16 billion cubic meters of gas annually from phase 2 of Shah Deniz field in Azeri sector of Caspian Sea to Europe since mid 2018.
TANAP by 1,850 kilometers pipeline from border of Turkey with Georgia continues toward Greece.
Ankara in 2014 increased its share of TANAP pipeline to 30 percent and Azerbaijan State Oil Company (SOCAR) and British Petroleum Company (BP) have 58 and 12 percents of the share respectively.
Shah Deniz gasfield was developed by a consortium including BP, Norway Statoil and State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR).
It is estimated that Shah Deniz gasfield has 1.2 or 1.5 trillion cubic meters gas resources.

Aug 23, 2015 09:56


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