India seeking to revive contract for buying Iranian LNG

India seeking to revive contract for buying Iranian LNG
An Indian newspaper wrote on Monday that the largest gas transmission and marketing company in India (GََََAIL) is seeking to revive a contract worth $22 billion for importing Iranian liquefied natural gas.

Live Mint daily newspaper quoted a GAIL official as saying that Indian state-run companies signed a contract on June 13, 2005 with the National Iranian Gas Export Company (NIGEC) for buying an annual 5 million tons of LNG from Iran. 
Under the terms of this contract, India was expected to pay 3.215 dollars for each unit of LNG to Iran, which was the lowest price compared to the contracts India had already signed for buying the product, the daily said. 
India has resumed negotiations with Tehran for buying LNG, especially as it's most likely that Western sanctions on Iran will soon be lifted following a nuclear deal between Iran and the six world powers, according to the daily. 
In its latest annual report, GAIL has announced that it has begun negotiating with Iran for reviving the contract for long-term imports of LNG from Iran. 

Aug 25, 2015 10:05


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