Europe Eager to Import Gas from Iran

Europe Eager to Import Gas from Iran
Deputy Managing-Director of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) Mohammadreza Ghaznavi said that the green continent is among the many potential customers of Iran's gas supplies.

"Different countries have voiced their willingness to import gas from Iran and Europe is among the most eager ones," Ghaznavi said during the introduction ceremony of NIGC executive manager in the Northeastern province of North Khorasan on Wednesday.

Iranian officials have repeatedly stressed that the country views its neighbors as a priority for exporting natural gas.

Last month Azerbaijan called for an increase in the volume of its gas swap with Iran to quench Europeans thirst for energy.

An official who asked for anonymity said in mid August that during the recent talks, Iran has given a green light to Azeri officials' demand and accepted to increase the volume of its gas exports to the country to help Baku with supplying gas to European countries.

But the exact final swap volume has not been discussed yet, the source said.

Without Iran’s partnership, Azerbaijan will be unable to supply long-term demands of the EU due to its sizeable resources, Iranian experts say.

Visiting senior Azeri officials, who arrived in Tehran earlier in August, hashed out implementation of previously accorded joint projects in the energy sector, on top of which stood Tehran-Baku 25-year gas swap deal.

According to the deal, which was singed between the two capitals in 2005, Tehran transfers one to 1.2 million cubic meters (mcm) of natural gas to the Nakhchivan via Astara border point in northwestern Iran.

Also last month Iran's deputy oil minister for commerce and international affairs Amir-Hossein Zamani-Nia said the country aims to widen ties with its neighbors by exporting gas to them.

"Exporting gas to the regional countries will deepen relations with our neighbors," Zamani-Nia said.

Iran's South Pars gas field covers an area of 9,700 square kilometers, 3,700 square kilometers of which are in Iran's territorial waters in the Persian Gulf. The remaining 6,000 square kilometers, i.e. the North Dome, are in Qatar's territorial waters.

The South Pars gas field holds 8 percent of total gas reserves of the world and half of the country's proven gas reserves as well as is the host of the most important industrial complexes of the country and the most important part of oil industry's value chain.

Sep 5, 2015 11:00
Farsnews |


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