Oman, a new outlet for Iran's gas exports

Oman, a new outlet for Iran's gas exports
The opportunity provided through LNG for the export of Iran's gas to destinations in Europe and East Asia has motivated Iran to export gas through Oman at great speed so as not to lag behind the rivals.

At LNG installations, natural gas is turned into liquid at -162˚Celsius and is pressed as such that 600 units of the gas volume can be turned into one LNG volume and so that a great volume of the pressed gas can be exported through special vessels, IRNA reported.

Three LNG projects — namely Persian, Iran and Pars — have so far been defined in Iran but major part of their operation have been halted due to sanctions. Iran LNG project has made a physical progress of about 50 percent and it is expected that with the removal of sanctions the required equipment will be purchased and installed.

Currently LNG accounts for about 30 percent of world gas trade and the industry is making constant progress. Iran, with an aim of strengthening its presence in the market, is looking to LNG export.

Iran, with a reserve of 33.7 trillion cubic meters, is among the gas rich countries of the world and it is predicted that it can take advantage of this God-given blessing for the next 200 years.

With the suspension in Iran's LNG projects, oil industry officials have viewed Oman for entry into the global market.

Based on a 2013-agreement between the two countries, Iran will export 28 million cubic meters of gas to Oman for 15 years via an underwater pipeline in the Persian Gulf which is expected to be laid in 30months .

Sep 27, 2015 09:36
Iran Daily |


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