France to start investment in Iran after removal of sanctions

France to start investment in Iran after removal of sanctions
Authorities of a great French company have declared their willingness to invest in Iran's gas projects once sanctions are removed.

The French companies which have already undertaken activities in Iran's gas industry have started talks for the resumption of their works in the country.

After a meeting with a delegation of Oil Ministry, a high-ranking official with Engie Company who recently visited Iran hoped that embargos will soon be lifted so that they would be able to resume their activities in Iran.

He also expressed pleasure over positive developments since Iran clinched a nuclear deal with world powers.

Speaking on condition on anonymity, the official said, 'We consider Iran a big country with huge natural gas reserves and high technical capabilities.'

'Iran is a major country in supplying natural gas and we are seeking to buy gas from Tehran under suitable conditions,' he said.

'W e will continue negotiations until the conditions for Engie presence in Iran are prepared for the company and will start activities as soon as international restrictions are removed from Iran,' he said.

Engie is a great company in the field of natural gas in Europe and world which is involved in electricity generation and natural gas production.

Sep 27, 2015 09:45


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