Sweden Seeking Expansion of Ties with Iran

Sweden Seeking Expansion of Ties with Iran
Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven in a meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in New York announced that Stockholm is interested in developing its industrial and trade ties with Iran.

"We are ready to open a new chapter in our mutua relations with Iran, which is plying an important and influential actor in the region," Lofven said on Friday on the sidelines of the 70th UN General Assembly.

The Swedish premier said terrorism is a global problem, fighting it demands joint measures, and Sweden is interested in cooperating with Iran in anti-terrorism.

He also annouced that the minister of industry of Sweden plans to visit Tehran in near future.

President Rouhani supported bilateral cooperation in economic and technological fields and said, "The visit by a Swedish economic delegation to Tehran can provide the opportunity for private sectors in both countries to become familiar with capacities of the other side."

"Deepening of our relations with the western countries and the European Union can be a giant step for strengthening of the regional security," he added.

In January 2014, Swedish Ambassador to Tehran Peter Tejler underlined his country’s enthusiasm for the further expansion of ties with Iran, and expressed the hope that the two countries’ Joint Chamber of Commerce would start operation.

“We seek to revive the relations between the two countries and believe that we can activate Iran-Sweden Joint Chamber of Commerce through mutual cooperation,” Tejler said in a meeting with Chairman of Iran’s Chamber of Commerce Gholam-Hossein Shafeyee in Tehran.

“The economic ties should be expanded through the presence of the two countries’ private sectors which needs a proper framework, and the representatives of the two governments can facilitate these relations,” he added.

Sep 27, 2015 10:06
Farsnews |


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