Iran to export gas to Pakistan

Iran to export gas to Pakistan
Iran’s Oil Minister has announced Iran’s readiness to export gas to Pakistan and several petrochemical products to Afghanistan.

Talking on the latest status of the contract to export Iran’s gas to Afghanistan, Bijan Zanganeh expressed Iran’s readiness in this regard.

Pointing to the creation of required infrastructures to transfer Iran’s natural gas to Pakistan, Oil Minister asserted that, “the process has been carried out over the past two years.”

Referring to Iran’s new plan to export several petrochemical products to Afghanistan, the official stated that, “we are currently undertaking plans to export various petrochemical products to Pakistan and Afghanistan through Sistan and Baluchestan Province.

With regard to Iran’s goal to increase crude oil production and export, this member of the Cabinet estimated that 500 barrels will be added to Iran’s daily oil production by the removal of the sanctions.

“After the 500-barrel increase in our production by the lifting of sanctions, we plan to double the amount in the course of six month,” concluded Zanganeh.

Sep 29, 2015 10:40
Mehrnews |


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