Shell, Total to open 200 gas stations in Iran

Shell, Total to open 200 gas stations in Iran
The head ISOGSO, on Thursday, recounted the new licenses issued to permit oil giants Total and Shell to open gas stations in Iran.

The Head of Iranian Society of Gas Station Owners (ISOGSO) Bijan HajMohammadreza told the reporters that legal permissions for opening 200 gas stations by foreign entities have been issued recently; 100 stations for French Total and 100 stations for British Shell in Tehran and other cities of Iran.

On the purpose of the decision, the official referred to branding strategies in distribution of gas in Iran and broke the news of new decisions for renting out stations to Iranian refineries.

He also recounted that some negotiations had already been done to rent out some of gas stations and gas storages to Iranian refineries and a new chapter in distribution of gas in Iran will be opened in near future.

Oct 3, 2015 11:33
Mehrnews |


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