Iran exports 2.5m tons of petrochemicals

Iran exports 2.5m tons of petrochemicals
Iran’s export of petrochemicals hit 2.48 million tons in the first six months of the current Iranian calendar year (started on March 21), bringing in more than $1.629 billion revenue to the country, the SHANA News Agency reported Sunday.

یThe country’s petrochemical output is anticipated to take a year-end hike once phases 15, 16, 17, and 18 of the South Pars gas field come on stream, swelling revenue from the sector up to $2 billion. 

Iran’s current petrochemical production could strike an annual record of 120 million tons if all progressive 60 projects were accomplished. Also, pumping $41 billion into 36 new projects will bring about an annual petrochemical production of around 180 million tons. 

Iran, one of the world's top oil producers, exported around $14 billion of petrochemical products in 2014, the Fars news agency reported in April, down from more than $18 billion in 2011. 

A rekindling of direct foreign investment in Iran’s huge petrochemical sector once sanctions are lifted can breathe fresh air into the country’s ailing economy. 

Oct 5, 2015 10:40
Tehran Times |


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The section of oil, gas and petro-chemistry is the up-most and first industrial vantage of the country and the pivot of the Economy of Iran. Regarding the importance of this section and the need for coordinating and organizing the most active people in the field of production and exporting oil ,gas, and petrochemical products ,some forethoughtful and job- makers in the private section of the country decided to come together to fight against the threats by using the opportunity of mass intelligence and potentials.