1st int’l meeting on trade promotion opnes in Tehran

1st int’l meeting on trade promotion opnes in Tehran
The first international gathering on Iran’s industrial and trade policies inaugurated here Saturday morning in the presence of President Hassan Rouhani.

The two-day event aims at promoting export and employment.

A number of foreign experts as well as Iranian industrialists and trade activists are attending the conference which titles as “High-level Symposium on Industrial and Trade Policies: Promoting Exports and Developing Employment.”

Panels are to be held on the sidelines of the meeting to discuss the scope and challenges before petrochemical industries, encouraging foreign investment and establishing joint export companies.

It is expected that the ideas discussed in the gathering would help Iran's economic policy-makers make more appropriate decisions while formulating the sixth five-year national development plan (2015-2020) for the country.

Since 1990, Iran has embarked medium-term economic plans to achieve sustainable economic growth. 

Oct 10, 2015 12:16


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The section of oil, gas and petro-chemistry is the up-most and first industrial vantage of the country and the pivot of the Economy of Iran. Regarding the importance of this section and the need for coordinating and organizing the most active people in the field of production and exporting oil ,gas, and petrochemical products ,some forethoughtful and job- makers in the private section of the country decided to come together to fight against the threats by using the opportunity of mass intelligence and potentials.