Iran ready to meet global gas needs

Iran ready to meet global gas needs
First Vice-President Es'haq Jahangiri said Iran is ready to play an active role in satisfying the global gas needs after the removal of sanctions considering the fact that it has the richest combined oil and gas reserves of the world.

In a meeting with Secretary General of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) Mohammad-Hossein Adeli on Saturday, he welcomed the Secretariat's initiative in outlining the Global Gas Model and drafting Market Outlook 2040 as well as forming the Technical-Economic Council, Shana reported.
He assessed GECF's two-year performance as 'positive and valuable' and said the organization's upcoming summit in Tehran provides an opportunity to discuss gas market developments at the highest level.
The Third GECF Gas Summit will convene in Tehran on November 23 and will be attended by heads of state and government of 18 member states.

Oct 19, 2015 09:30
Iran Daily |


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