Iran to be energy transit hub in region after removal of sanctions

Iran to be energy transit hub in region after removal of sanctions
As anti-Iran sanctions will be removed soon, the Iranian government tries to break the deadlock over swap of the country's crude oil.

An economic expert told IRNA by attracting the attention of Russia and Central Asia countries, Iran is determined to be the hub of transit of energy in the Middle East region.

Members of a big Russian company will travel to Iran in near future to hold oil talks with the Iranian officials.

After the July 14 nuclear agreement and also by getting closer to the time of removal of sanctions, extensive talks have been holding between the Oil Ministry and foreign firms to promote bilateral cooperation.

Today, the ground has been prepared for Iran to turn into the big hub of transit of oil products in the region. 

Iran is among those countries around the world enjoying the rich oil and gas resources. So, it can play an important role in that area.

Nov 4, 2015 11:00


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