Italian economic mission due in Iran today

Italian economic mission due in Iran today
A delegation comprising economic and scientific representatives from Italy’s Friuli Venezia Giulia region is to arrive in Tehran today, Jan. 9.

The economic and scientific mission is led by Debora Serracchian, the President of the Italian region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italian news agency AGI reported.

The visit will last until January 13 during which Serracchiani is said to “lay the basis for new partnerships with government and financial stakeholders in Iran to be ready, despite the tricky situation in the Middle East, for when the restrictive measures still in place are permanently annulled.”

Serracchiani noted that she is keen on linking an economic dialogue to one of prospects, concerning possible new partnerships in science and technology, for the transfer of knowhow to the business system, of which Iran seems very aware.

“This was confirmed in November by contacts between our excellent regional research sector and the leaders of one of the largest universities in Iran, the Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, which was followed by the mission of the rector of the University of Trieste, Maurizio Fermeglia, in September 2015, again to the Iranian capital, with [Education] Minister Stefania Giannini,” she added.

The visit which takes place after the signing of new memorandums of understanding between Italy and Iran, aims to boost trade ties as the sanctions against the Islamic Republic are lifted.

Accoridnt to AGI, Serracchiani will be probably the first president of an Italian region officially welcomed to Tehran by government leaders. 

Jan 9, 2016 10:37
mehrnews |


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