Managing director Iran's Petrochemical Commercial Company announced the opening of joint firms and bureaus for selling petrochemical products in Brazil, Switzerland, Germany and Britain.
Mehdi Sharifi Niknafas, the Managing Director of Iran's Petrochemical Commercial Company (IPCC), referred to the launch of extensive planning to resume exports of Iranian petrochemicals and polymer products to the European Union (UN) member countries; “currently, nine commercial offices are active in various parts of the world aiming to sell the country’s petchems.”
Niknafas underlined that so far several companies have been established in different countries in the form of joint venture asserting “for instance, we possess three offices, twenty warehouses as well as two reservoirs for chemical and petrochemical materials.”
The official further highlighted the operation of petrochemical sale and marketing offices in India, South Korea, Singapore, Germany and the UK adding “in addition, Iran has direct presence in Switzerland, Brazil and Indonesia in the form of joint venture.”
“We have created warehouses in all destination countries,” recalled Niknafas maintaining “the availability of some products in destination markets would increase bargaining power.”
Managing director of IPCC went on to add that Europe marks one of the significant markets for the exports of petrochemical products; “Iran possessed 30 to 35 percent of the European market before the imposition of international sanctions which were substituted by rivals afterwards,” he asserted.
“Therefore, regaining the market needs to be put on the agenda without being limited to specific markets which demands petrochemical complexes to pursue marketing as top priority,” he concluded.