Lift of anti-Iran sanctions, special chance for Italian companies

Lift of anti-Iran sanctions, special chance for Italian companies
Managing director of Italy's Genius Car Ltd announced that lifting anti-Iran sanctions is a special opportunity for the foreign firms, also the Italian ones, to be present in Iranian market.

The talks on implementation of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) concluded in Vienna on Saturday, and the US and the European Union lifted sanctions imposed on Iran for years.

Talking to IRNA, Eugenio Carugati said Italy and Iran enjoy many cultural commonalities that can help enhance bilateral relations.

About his travel to Iran, he said it is happening for the first time and is aimed to examine the Iranian market. 

In line with widening Iran-Italy trade exchange, Italy's second international exclusive fair held in Tehran on January 10-13.

Italy has been among those countries which kept its relations with Iran continued during the sanctions' era.

According to its website, Genius Car Ltd is a holding company based in London with ownership of various companies in the technological and innovation area, including Italian Covini Engineering.

Covini Engineering has been developing for many years innovative automotive projects including the COVINI C3A as a luxury road car and the COVINI Speedster built for the sports car circuits. Both utilize the 3 axis and 6 wheel design.

Jan 18, 2016 11:10


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