Oil production capacity to rise by 90K barrels

Oil production capacity to rise by 90K barrels
Deputy oil minister has announced that the operation of two new oilfields will soon add 90 thousand BPD to the country’s oil production capacity.

Roknodin Javadi stated that extension of South Pars phases as well as West Karun oilfields remain atop agenda for Iran’s oil industry during the post-sanction era; “according to the planning, the country’s oil production capacity needs to reach a total of 5.7 million barrels per day by experiencing a 1.7 million increase.”

Managing director of National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) further noted that development plans of other joint oil fields have made a significant progress asserting “accordingly, the countdown has begun for the augmentation of crude production from some West Karun oilfields as well as North Azadegan and North Yaran fields.”

Javadi emphasized that the development projects of North Yaran and North Azadegan will soon be launched estimating an even more increase in the country’s crude oil production for the next Iranian calendar year (to begin 21 March, 2016) due to implementation of some West Karun fields.

The first dphase of North Azadegan development project aims to produce 75 thousand barrels of crude oil,” maintained deputy oil minister reiterating “on the whole, about 90 thousand barrels will be added to the country’s daily crude oil production capacity."

Jan 24, 2016 12:23
mehrnews |


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