EU, US Firms Lining up to Join Iran Petchem Projects: NPC Chief

EU, US Firms Lining up to Join Iran Petchem Projects: NPC Chief
A deputy petroleum minister says American firms have joint their European rivals to wade into Iran's petrochemical industry now that sanctions have been lifted.

Marziyeh Shahdaei, a deputy petroleum minister in petrochemical affairs, told a meeting with senior petrochemical executives from Persian Gulf Holding Company on Monday that following the lifting of international sanctions, many international firms from Europe and the US have indicated interest to join projects in Iran. 
She said the holding can become a major partner in Iran's petrochemical development given the fact that it has grown bigger and more influential than NPC. 

Shahdaei, who also presides over NPC, said the company is planning to materialize the country's second petrochemical leap by 2020, adding, "We would do whatever we can in this regard." 
She said NPC is responsible for attracting finances for petrochemical projects, adding it lays so much expectations on PGHC in this regard. 

Feb 23, 2016 11:47
shana |


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