Iran’s oil exports to rise to 2 million bpd by late May

Iran’s oil exports to rise to 2 million bpd by late May
The Iranian first vice president said on Thursday the country’s oil exports is expected to hit as high as two million barrels per day (bpd) by the third month of the next Iranian calendar year.

The mentioned month will begin on May 22. 

Es’haq Jahangiri said that after the implementation of Iran's nuclear deal with the world’s major powers on January 16, the country’s oil exports rose from one million bpd to 1.4 million and it is expected to rise more in the future, the Tasnim news agency reported. 

Iran, once OPEC’s second-largest producer after Saudi Arabia, is seeking to clear space for its gradual return to the market following the lifting of sanctions.       

Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh has vowed to reclaim the country’s share of global crude oil exports. 


Iran’s oil exports rose to 1.8 million bpd for the first time since 2012, National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) Managing Director Rokneddin Javadi said on Wednesday. 

On February 21, Mohsen Qamsari, the NIOC director general for international affairs, said Iran expects to be able to increase its oil exports by 160,000 barrels a day in March with sales to Eastern Europe on the agenda. 

Mar 12, 2016 12:04
tehrantimes |


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