Iran Leases Tankers to Foreign Oil Companies: NITC Chief

Iran Leases Tankers to Foreign Oil Companies: NITC Chief
Managing director of the National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC) said that following removal of sanctions, the firm has started leasing its vessels to foreign companies.

“NITC will invest 2.5 billion dollars in various fields,” Ali-Akbar Safaei said at the meeting of company’s staff on the occasion of Iranian New Year (started March 20).
He said NITC registered profits last year and added, “We expect to maintain the trend in the current year.”

He said that NITC was the first company in the post-sanctions Iran which managed to settle financing problems with foreign banks.
NITC was also the first shipping company in Iran which has leased its vessels to foreign firms, Safaei told his colleagues.

Apr 3, 2016 10:28
shana |


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