Official: New oil contracts model approved

Official: New oil contracts model approved
Head of Iran's oil contracts committee said the government had approved the model for new contracts but it was still being processed by a commission.

Asked when the final draft of the contract will be ready for presentation, Mehdi Hosseini responded that the committee he chairs was hoping for June or July, Reuters reported.
"We are doing our best to do something in June or July," he said, adding that the Iranian government had approved the model for the new contract.
Hosseini later told reporters that bidding and negotiations for Iran's oilfields will start in June or July.
"The fields that will come for bidding are mostly big fields," he said, adding that some common fields it shares with other countries would also be open to bidding.
"Bidding will begin in late June or early July," Hosseini said.
He added that the National Iranian Oil Company may also conduct negotiations for some individual projects.
He invited international oil companies to start sending their interests on potential projects.
Iran hopes to attract international oil companies to invest in its oil sector and boost production with the new contracts.

Apr 24, 2016 10:31
iran-daily |


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