Official: Iran to boost ties with European big banks

Official: Iran to boost ties with European big banks
Iranian Nuclear Hope website quoted Head of Iran-Russia Chamber of Commerce Assadollah Asgar Oladi saying that the latest negotiations between Iranian Foreign Minister and US Secretary of State will bring about beneficial results.

Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif and his American counterpart John Kerry held their second meeting in a week in New York on April 22.

Referring to the fact that there is no concern for banks and financial institutions to cooperate with Iran, Asgar Oldai said that European banks eye on cooperation with Iran but unfortunately due to their fear, they prefer not to hurry for cooperation with Iran.

Referring to John Kerry's latest remarks that there is no objection to the foreign banks engaging with Iranian banks, he reiterated that Secretary's remarks together with U.S. President's latest trip to the countries of the region and reminding the fact that Arab countries should respect and praise Iran is the sign of upcoming good days in Iran's trade and politics. 

He said that the results of Obama's trip, Zarif, Kerry negotiations and the third Iran-G5+1 Joint Commission session after implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) will be seen in the first days of May.

The third Iran-G5+1 Joint Commission session was held on April 21-22 in the presence of Iranian representatives and the P5+1 in Hotel Coburg, Vienna.

He noted that the negotiations will result in starting relations with European big banks and financial institutions.

Rejecting remarks related to lack of connection between SWIFT and Iranian banks, Asgar Oladi said Iran has no problem to use the system.

Apr 24, 2016 14:02


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