IMF delegation in Tehran for a 3-day visit

IMF delegation in Tehran for a 3-day visit
The first deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund, David Lipton, leading a delegation, arrived in Tehran on Sunday, IRNA reported.

According to the report, the delegation which includes five senior directors of the IMF, will meet and conduct negotiations with Iranian senior officials including head of the presidential office, governor of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI), chairman of the Management and Planning Organization, and oil minister.

In line with the scheduled meetings for this visit, Lipton will hold talks with Bijan Namdar Zanganeh, Iran’s oil minister, on Monday and then he will deliver a speech on “Iran on the way to achieve its proper place in the global economy” among the country’s economists at the CBI building on Tuesday.

Based on the schedule, during his visit, Lipton will have also some meetings with economic experts, bankers and entrepreneurs in the private sector.

IMF delegation’s three-day visit to Iran is a good opportunity to introduce the country’s economic potentials and rebuilding trust for international trade, a chance for a reunion with the global economy.

IMF has projected a four-percent economic growth rate for Iran in 2016. Iran's economy, which was flat last year, is set to grow by 4.0 percent this year and by 3.7 percent the next, said the IMF in its latest global forecast.

May 16, 2016 12:42
tehrantimes |


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