Iran Begins LNG Exports to Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa

Iran Begins LNG Exports to Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa
Iran has started exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa, an official announced.

Esmaeel Hasham Firouz, the export-import director of the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company (NIOPDC), said the Islamic Republic has begun to ship excess natural gas supplies as LNG to the three African countries.

He said the shipments are done using LNG ISO tank containers.

The official added that last year Iran exported over 127,000 tons of LNG and that the figure would rise this year.

Hasham Firouz said currently Pakistan and Afghanistan are the main clients of Iranian LNG, Press TV reported.

In recent years, Iran has been trying to have a larger share of the global LNG market.

The National Iranian Gas Exports Company (NIGEC) has for some time been in negotiations with some foreign firms to help develop the country’s LNG sector.

The talks have been going on more seriously since the coming into force in January of a lasting nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers that terminated nuclear-related sanctions against Iran.

The German industrial group, Linde, has already offered to help Iran complete its LNG projects which include LNG Pars and LNG Persian.

The projects had been awarded to Royal Dutch Shell, Spain’s Repsol and France’s Total to produce 40 million metric tons of LNG a year for exports, but the three abandoned them in 2011 when Iran came under sanctions.

Iran has also held talks with France, Germany and Belgium for construction of LNG tankers.

The country has the world’s second largest proven gas reserves after Russia, with a potential to become a top producer. It plans to build a capacity to export 40 million metric tons of LNG a year.

May 24, 2016 10:03
tasnim |


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