11th International Energy Conference of Iran to start Monday

11th International Energy Conference of Iran to start Monday
The 11th International Energy Conference (IEC) of Iran as the greatest event of the country in the field of energy will kick off on Monday, IRIB news agency reported on Friday.

“Discussing the ways of meeting future energy needs and also providing safe energy for current and future generations are the most important goals of this international conference.” IRIB quoted Davoud Manzour, the secretary of the conference, as saying.

Manzour noted that in this two-day conference, high-ranking officials including Ali-Akbar Salehi, the vice-president and director of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, Hamid Chitchian, the energy minister, Bijan Namdar Zanganeh, minister of Oil, and Mohammadreza Ne’matzadeh, the minister of industry, mining and trade, will lecture.

“Energy dynamics in changing world” is set as the main theme for this year’s conference, Manzour said.

The secretary also noted that more than 1,500 researchers, specialists and managers from the country's energy sector as well as universities and scientific and research institutes will attend the conference which is set to be held on 30-31 May.

“60 international experts from 22 countries, including Britain, the U.S., Germany, Turkey, Austria, Canada, Japan, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Australia, China, Finland, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Jordan, Pakistan, Spain, India, the United Arab Emirates, Finland and Lebanon will also attend the conference.” He added.

Concurrently, an exhibition will also be held to provide an opportunity for companies and institutions to showcase their latest achievements in the field of energy.

May 29, 2016 15:19


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