Bandar Abbas Refinery to raise diesel output

Bandar Abbas Refinery to raise diesel output
Production of diesel at Bandar Abbas Refinery will go up by September with the launching of a new diesel plant, said an official.

Deputy Managing Director of National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC) Shahrokh Khosravani further told Shana that the refinery's diesel production and continuous catalytic regeneration (CCR) units will become operational by late September.
He said the machinery and equipment for the plant have been purchased and are being installed.
Khosravani said the projects are being carried out with the aim of boosting the refinery's output and improving the quality of its gasoline output.
The refinery will produce euro-4 gasoline once the two projects come online, he added.
The project was initially set to become operational in 36 months, but the deadline was recently extended to September this year.
Once the project becomes fully operational, the refinery will produce 21,000 bpd of low-density naphtha, 25,000 bpd of high-density naphtha and 120 tons a day of sulfur.

Jun 6, 2016 11:37
iran-daily |


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