Foreign Companies Keen to Help Iran Construct Petroleum Equipments

Foreign Companies Keen to Help Iran Construct Petroleum Equipments
Several foreign companies have declared interest in cooperation with Iran in construction of technical petroleum equipments, senior official said on Tuesday.

Speaking to Shana, Managing-Director of Kala Naft Ezzatollah Akbari noted that "We have planned to acquire the savvy for constructing ten groups of equipment and items crucially needed in the oil industry.
After inking contract for construction of these ten group of equipment and items, another group of equipments and items needed will be introduced for construction, he added.

Akbari said that those foreign companies which did not cut ties with Iran during the sanctions era will have priority for cooperation in construction of equipments and items crucially need in the oil industry.
It is worth noting that Iranian Minister of Petroleum Bijan Zangeneh had said earlier that Iran can become the hub of technical petroleum equipment manufacturing and export with the cooperation of Siemens.

Following a meeting with Joe Kaeser, president and chief executive officer of Siemens, in Tehran, the Iranian official underlined century-long presence of the German firm in Iran, saying the company has been mostly active in power industry and has had long-term presence in Iran's petroleum industry. 
He said Iran had ordered many turbines and compressors from Siemens before the sanctions but their transfer was halted after international embargoes were imposed on Tehran. The equipment was purchased for development projects in South Pars gas field, Iran LNG facilities and Persian Gulf Star Refinery.

Jun 8, 2016 14:26
shana |


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