Turkey to build industrial zone in Iran

Turkey to build industrial zone in Iran
Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, on the basis of an agreement with Iran Chamber of Commerce, will construct an industrial zone in Iran.

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines if the MoU signing ceremony between Istanbul Chamber of Commerce and Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines & Agriculture (ICCIMA), Mohsen Jalalpour said “in their previous visit to Iran for building an industrial zone, the Turkish side had voiced readiness to facilitate the presence of Turkish investors in Iran.”

“Accordingly, the industrial zone will be established in 140 units with an initial investment of 10 billion dollars and it will be situated in one of the seven proposed industrial parks and free zones,” noted the official adding “up to 85 per cent of the zone’s human resources will comprise Iranian nationals.”

ICCIMA head underlined “attraction of foreign investment for creating job opportunities marks a clear instance of Resistance Economy since arrival of Turkish investment will be accompanied by technology transfer.”

Also, Iran's Deputy Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Ali Yazdani said “following the signed accord, we proposed seven locations to the Turkish side who will visit the sites in near future and implement the design and infrastructure of the industrial zone.

“The zone will be active in various fields including industry, textile and food products,” he continued.

Erdal Bahcivan, the President of Istanbul Chamber of Industry, deemed the newly-signed MoU and the construction of the industrial park in Iran as a means of enhancing economic cooperation between the two countries.

Jun 15, 2016 11:10
Mehrnews |


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