First Fuel Oil Export Cargo Loaded in Assalouyeh

First Fuel Oil Export Cargo Loaded in Assalouyeh
Iran exported its first consignment of fuel oil, destined for regional countries and weighing 4,500 tons, from Assalouyeh on Saturday.

Iran has reduced consumption of liquid fuels in its power plants by replacing them with gas and has large volumes of liquid fuels, including fuel oil, up for grabs.
This is the first consignment that was loaded at export harbors in Assalouyeh, south of Iran. 

In the years 2013, 2014 and 2015, Iran supplied respectively 38, 50 and 58 billion cubic meters of natural gas to power plants for generation of electricity. The replacement comes with the aim of using gas as a clean energy carriers. Besides, it saves the country $6b annually as well.
Plans are under way to bring power plant gas intake to 65 bcm in the current Iranian calendar year which began on March 20.

Assalouyeh export harbor has the capacity to export 43 million tons of goods annually.

Jun 19, 2016 11:08
shana |


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