South Pars 19th phase starts exports to S Korea

South Pars 19th phase starts exports to S Korea
South Korea has been the first destination of newly operating South Pars 19th phase gas condensate products.

Bouncing since JCPOA implementation, Iran’s oil and gas exports to South Korea has almost doubled daily soaring to 400,000 barrels of crude. Gas condensate exports also followed the same trend. South Pars 19th phase had dispatched its first tanker of gas condensate to this East Asian country on Saturday as its first destination. The Iranian tanker carried 300,000 barrels of gas condensates which left southern port to South Korea.

Seyed Pirouz Mousavi, Head of Iran Oil Terminals Company (IOTC) told reporters that this amount of gas condensate had been loaded through floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) terminal.

Still in a related story, Seyyed Mohsen Ghamsari, NIOC Executive Director for International Affairs had told Mehr News earlier on May that Iran had signed deals to sell gas condensates to two South Korean industrial giants SK and Hyundai which was in addition to crude oil agreements with these countries. In early May, Bijan Namdar Zanganeh met with Kang Hoin, Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Republic of Korea, where he announced improvements in Iran’s exports of crude and gas condensates after JCPOA implementation.

Jun 19, 2016 11:26
Mehrnews |


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