Jam Petchem Plant Almost Fully Operational

Jam Petchem Plant Almost Fully Operational
Polypropylene output of Jam Petrochemical Plant has neared its nameplate capacity since the beginning of the current Iranian calendar year on March 20, the plant's CEO says.

Speaking to Shana, Kambiz Mirkarimi said Jam is the biggest producer of the item in Iran and produced 48,000 tons of polypropylene in the months of Farvardin and Ordibehesht (the first and second months in the calendar year (March 20-May 20). 
He said the plant has exported 21,000 tons of items during the period and sold the rest on the domestic market.

Mirkarimi said the exports brought the company $20m in revenues. 
The reason for the plant's raise output, argued the official, is the boosted supply of feedstock to the company by upstream petrochemical suppliers. 

Jam Petrochemical Plant supplies 300,000 tons/y of polyethylene annually.
The olefin unit of the petrochemical plant has the capacity to produce 1.32 million tons a year of ethylene and 306,000 tons of propylene.

The high-density polyethylene (HDPE) unit of the plant produces 300,000 tons a year of products in 26 grades.
The linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) unit of the plant supplies 300,000 tons a year of products.   

Jun 21, 2016 11:23
shana |


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