Iran to Send Energy Delegation to Turkmenistan

Iran to Send Energy Delegation to Turkmenistan
Iran is to dispatch an energy delegation to neighboring Turkmenistan headed by a deputy petroleum minister after Ramadan, an oil official said.

Mohammad Taghi Amanpour, special representative of the Iranian Minister of Petroleum in export of technical and engineering goods and services, told Shana that the delegation's visit will be mainly aimed at enhancing ties between the tow neighbors and topics like joint export of crude oil, transit, and employing Iran's engineering and technical potentialities in Turkmenistan will be discussed during the visit.

He said Iran is considering raising its exports in line with the requirements of the economy of resistance.

Iran has offered Turkmenistan a $30b barter deal for exchange of technical and engineering goods and services for Turkic natural gas in a 10-year period. 

Jun 25, 2016 12:09


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