Price Fluctuations Not Affecting Iranian Exports

Price Fluctuations Not Affecting Iranian Exports
Member of Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Mehdi Sharifi Nik-Nafas, says the oil market in the fluctuating condition following separation of the UK from the European Union but it cannot affect Iranian crude exports.

Sharifi made the remark in an interview with Shana when asked about the impact of the UK's exit from the EU on oil prices.
He said the fluctuations will not take long and the prices will continue rising. "This cannot affect Iranian crude exports."
Following the UK's quitting the EU, each barrel of Brent crude was sold for $48.41, less than $2.50.
Each barrel of the US WTI crude was also sold for $47.64, less than $2.47.
Sharifi said oil prices will be restored.
"Such developments are natural. Prices will continue increasing and this cannot affect Iranian crude exports or sales."

Jun 28, 2016 11:57
shana |


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