Gas condensate exports up by 57 pc in Q1

Gas condensate exports up by 57 pc in Q1
Export of South Pars gas condensates rose up by 57 percent in value and 107 percent in weight in the Spring season, said Managing Director of Special Pars Energy and Economic Zone Mehdi Yousefi said on Tuesday.

Yousefi said that following operation of new phases of South Pars, considerable growth was observed in gas condensates output.
He said that gas condensates, which are a type of ultra light oil, are extracted from gas fields.
Following implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in January, export of crude oil and gas condensates improved and major portion of the exports are from South Pars oil and gas field. 
Meanwhile, Yousefi said that in the spring season, 4,178,200 tons of gas condensates, worth $1.68 billion were exported. 
He added that moreover, 4,140,047 tons of non-oil commodities, worth $2.66 billion, were exported in the spring season.
In the period under study, some 13 and 20 percent growth were observed in export of non-oil commodities respectively.
Yousefi said that in total some 8,318,247 tons of non-oil commodities and gas condensates were exported in the spring season. 
Meanwhile, some $4.35 billion worth products were exported from South Pars in the first quarter of this year and growth of 47 and 32 percent were observed in weight and value respectively, he added.
The official said 290 oil tankers and cargo carrier ships berthed at Special Pars Economic and Energy Zone ports in the first quarter of this year to load gas condensates and non-oil commodities. 
In the period under study, 22,440 containers full of products were exported, he added.

Jun 29, 2016 10:41


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