IOEC, EU after partnership in Iranian gas projects

IOEC, EU after partnership in Iranian gas projects
IOEC managing director said negotiations are underway with international companies, especially European firms over implementing energy sector projects.

Managing director of the Iranian Offshore Engineering and Construction Company (IOEC) Abolghasem Rahmani said “previously, construction of oil and gas rigs was carried out in South Korea while the process can now be accomplished domestically.”

“A total of five platforms in different South Pars phases will be completed as Platform 19C, which was carried to the sea earlier and is ready for operation,” he added.

The official also noted “Platform 19 was loaded last week and the platform of South Pars phase 21 was loaded yesterday which will be transported to the sea on July 4 before being installed on July 10.”

Rahmani went on to underscore that “upon installation of five new South Pars platforms, more than 100 million cubic meters of gas will be added to the country’s extraction capacity leading to realization of the goal to reach 10 billion dollars of value added.”

“About eight million man-hour work were done for Phase 19 while the figure for platforms 20 and 21 was seven million man-hours,” continued the official.

IOEC managing director underlined “the projects that are currently being implemented by the company were carried out by foreign firms with manifold prices in previous years.”

“Meanwhile, talks are being conducted with international companies, especially European companies on partnership in the country’s energy projects,” he concluded.

Jun 29, 2016 15:49
Mehrnews |


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