Shiraz Petchem Co. to Export Products to Europe, S. America, S. Africa

Shiraz Petchem Co. to Export Products to Europe, S. America, S. Africa
The petrochemical products of new units of Shiraz Petrochemical Company will be exported to Europe, South America and South Africa.

Director of the Commercial Affairs Department at Shiraz Petrochemical Company Abdolreza Zare said last week that the ammonia and urea units of Marvdasht Martyrs Facility will be operational  this week.
Zare said since the product of the facility is granule and its graded type is different with peril, so it will be of use in areas with high humidity rate. "So the product will be exported to such destinations as Europe, South America and South Africa."
He added that prior to operational of the urea and ammonia III lines, the facility used to export about 400,000 tons of its products to India and certain European countries. 
He noted that the facility is to export about one million tons a year products after operation of the urea and ammonia III lines.

Jul 16, 2016 12:45
shana |


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