South Korean Investors Visit Fajr Petchem Facility in Mahshahr

South Korean Investors Visit Fajr Petchem Facility in Mahshahr
A delegation from South Korean Husong Company visited facilities of Fajr Petrochemical Company in Mahshahr Special Petrochemical Economic Zone.


The delegation's aim was to consider investment situation in Iran petrochemical industry, so visited Fajr Petrochemical Company to witness its capabilities in providing needed utilities for petrochemical installation.
The ability to produce utilities by the FPC is the most important case for consideration of investors in the Special Economic Zone.
The South Korean investors, who were intend to invest in the field of polyethylene and polypropylene prodcution in Iran, during their one-day visit to Mahshahr Special Petrochemical Economic Zone announced that utility supply is their main priority.
In a meeting with president of Fajr Petrochemical Complex, the Korean delegation exchanged views and discussed such issues as feedstock supply, production, production procedures and cost of products.
After visiting Mahshahr and Assaloyeh, the delegation is due to sign MoU on creating petrochemical installation with Iran.
The FPC is producing and distributing side services such as electricity, steam, oxygen, nitrogen, Argon, compressed air, industrial waters, filteration of industrial sewage in sites 2 and 4 of Mahshahr petrochemical economic special zone, in northwestern part of the Persian Gulf.


Jul 24, 2016 11:31
shana |


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