Oil Min., Norwegian oil company discuss field recovery rate

Oil Min., Norwegian oil company discuss field recovery rate
New round of Iran and Norway negotiations has addressed technology transfer and projects to improve oil field recovery rate in Iran’s mammoth oilfields.

Mohammadreza Jafari Nasr an official of Research Institute of Petroleum Industry has told reporters on Saturday that a Norwegian oil company and Oil Ministry had started new round of negotiations on bringing the country the technology along with the project to improve recovery rate of Iran’s oil fields which had used antiquated equipment and facilities. “Development in upstream oil industries and country’s old oil fields were discussed; a consortium of University of Stavanger and Petrad research institute have so far met with Iranian oil authorities to present plans which addressed oil recovery rate, with both bodies securing preliminary preparation,” he told the press.

“Norwegian companies will also work with the ministry to provide staff training, with gas and oil technologies easy to become indigenous after JCPOA implementation,” Jafari Nasr reported.

“Currently, extraction rate has been 27 per cent in average; Norwegian companies have proposed plans to improve this figure to 60 per cent; given the high costs of improving 1 per cent of this figure, the projects to the most probability would save billions of dollars, therefore, the projects becomes a priority of crucial importance for the industry,” he detailed.

Jafari Nasr also added that despite the relatively younger oil industry, Norway enjoys higher places in European technologies of oil and gas and had exported their technical know-how to the world.

Aug 14, 2016 09:41
Mehrnews |


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