Dy Petroleum Min.: No Problem with Receipt of Petrodollars

Dy Petroleum Min.: No Problem with Receipt of Petrodollars
Deputy Minister of Petroleum for International Affairs and Trading Amir-Hossein Zamaninia says Iran has no problem with receipt of oil sale earnings and the money thus gained will be deposited in the Central Bank account.

In an interview with Shana, Zamaninia commented on ties between Iranian banks and big European banks and said major European banks have no special legal problem with ties with Iranian banks and said due to heavy penalties subjected to them by the US Treasury Department, they act to a large extent cautiously.

He emphasized that links with the medium-sized European banks are totally in force. "There is no legal impediment for ties of major European banks with Iranian banks and major banks' problems will soon be removed."

Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance Ali Tayebnia had already said, "For the time being, we have no problem with receipt of money; already, we used to pay hefty cost for petrodollars but now we benefit from oil sale earnings without enduring extra cost. "Our expectation is that in the post-JCPOA era, we would have been able to work with major banks but ample reasons are said to be at work for absence of the necessary conditions."

"As for financial bills of Iranian banks, they used to cite such reasons as money laundering and financing of terrorism; but fortunately, thanks to the effective measures taken in the past months, certain restrictions were removed."

The minister said, "We do not have problem with the small- and medium-sized banks and different kinds of banking engagement with them are underway and in the near future, we will witness relations between our banks and major global banks."

Zamaninia commented on conclusion of contract with foreign banks within framework of new oil contract models and said up to so far, nine Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) were signed with major European and Asian companies for study of the projects and it is hoped that the MoU will turn into agreement by end of this year.

Sep 5, 2016 11:51
shana |


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