Iran exports over $3.6 billion petrochemical products in 5 months

Iran exports over $3.6 billion petrochemical products in 5 months
Iran exported over 3.6 billion dollars worth of different kinds of petrochemical products during the first five months of the current Iranian calendar year (started March 20, 2016).

The country sold more than 8.724 million tons of a variety of petrochemicals to the international markets during the same period. 

The growth in the petrochemical products comes following the implementation of last year’s nuclear agreement which is also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and easing of sanctions as well as banking restrictions.

In July, the National Iranian Petrochemical Company (NIPC) resumed export of its products to Britain.

A consignment of Iran's petrochemical and polymer products was shipped to the UK.
Other countries such as Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Italy and France have also shown interest to purchase Iran's petrochemical products.

Before the imposition of the western sanctions against Iran, the European countries had accounted for about 13 percent of the country's export of petrochemical and polymeric products.

Sep 11, 2016 10:04
Mehrnews |


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The section of oil, gas and petro-chemistry is the up-most and first industrial vantage of the country and the pivot of the Economy of Iran. Regarding the importance of this section and the need for coordinating and organizing the most active people in the field of production and exporting oil ,gas, and petrochemical products ,some forethoughtful and job- makers in the private section of the country decided to come together to fight against the threats by using the opportunity of mass intelligence and potentials.