Germany, Japan release Iran’s petchem assets

Germany, Japan release Iran’s petchem assets
An official announced that Germany and Japan have retired their debt to Iran as regards exports of Iranian petrochemical products.

Managing Director of Shazand Petrochemical Company (Arak) Khodadad Gharibpour referred to release of Iran’s frozen properties in the post-JCPOA era saying “a number of buyers in Asia and Europe were indebted to certain Iranian petrochemical firms.”

“Germany and Japan have settled their debts to Iran for purchasing petrochemical and polymer products,” highlighted the official noting that about one million dollars were released in Japan.

Gharibpour went on to add that the figure for released frozen assets in Germany mounts to 4.6 million dollars reiterating that all current exports of petrochemicals are carried out in exchange for the cost and no foreign firm is currently in Iran’s debt.

Ahmad Mahdavi Abhari, Secretary of the Association of Petrochemical Industry Corporations (AIPC) had previously underlined that the blocked properties of Iran in South Korea, belonging to exports of petchem products, were less than one billion dollars and have been released completely.

Presently, the annual exports volume of Iranian petrochemical and polymer products mounts to an estimate amount of 10 billion dollars while the government seeks to increase the figure to 40 billion dollars per year.

Sep 17, 2016 11:46
Mehrnews |


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