Iran rents out 12 oil tankers to foreign firms

Iran rents out 12 oil tankers to foreign firms
Director of National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC) Ali Akbar Safaei said Iran has so far leased 12 oil tankers to foreign companies.

Safaei noted that the quantity of Iranian oil tankers has ramped up since beginning of the Islamic Revolution with the current figure being 69 tankers and a capacity beyond 15.5 million tons.

Having turned into the world’s largest oil shipping company, NITC now enjoys insurance, flag as well as internationally recognized class and certificate.

The official recalled that NITC began operation back in 1955 with a 35-thousand-ton tanker while it pursued a developmental trend later on after taking corresponding measures.

He added that the impetus for creating an independent fleet to enter international markets emerged at the time of economic crisis during nationalization of oil industry and sanctions on Iranian oil by colonial governments.

The need to acquire a satisfactory share of oil transportation led Iran to take appropriate steps in order to further infiltrate into global markets in addition to providing oil sale opportunities in both normal and critical situations.

NITC Managing Director Ali Akbar Safaei reiterated that a total of 12 Iranian oil tankers have been leased out to foreign firms while the figure is expected to grow in coming years given the willingness of foreigners to hire crude oil tankers.

Sep 18, 2016 11:58
Mehrnews |


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