Iran plans to boost petchem liquid feedstock

Iran plans to boost petchem liquid feedstock
Deputy oil minister has reported on new projects to increase capacity of liquid feeds in Iranian petrochemical industries.

Director of the National Petrochemical Company (NPC) Marzieh Shah-Daei, while describing new plans to raise liquid feedstock capacity of Iran’s petrochemical industries said “given the high demand for gasoline inside the country, all oil refineries are set to produce liquid feedstock at maximum capacity.”

The official said implementation and operation of Setare Khalij Fars Gas Condensates Refinery in the coming year will make the country self-sufficient in gasoline production giving room to other refinery complexes to embark on production and supply of other oil products as petchem feedstock.

“At the order of Oil Minister Zanganeh, larger amounts of liquid feedstock will be supplied to petrochemical industries after Setare Khalij Fars complex comes on stream,” emphasized Shah-Daei adding “with elevation of gas supply to industries and plants, extra capacity will be provided for producing Naphtha, LPG and kerosene.”

She reassured that necessary measures have been taken to supply feed for petrochemical industries through refineries; “consequently, petchem complexes adjacent to oil refineries will enjoy a greater amount of liquid feedstock.”

NPC managing director outlined diversified production in line with elevated liquid feed as developmental plans for the country’s petrochemical industry concluding “given that Arak, Tabriz and Isfahan petrochemical complexes are in vicinity of refinery units, they could multiply their production capacities by receiving feedstock from refineries.”

Sep 19, 2016 11:40
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