PGHC: Gachsaran Petchem Facility Operational in 2 Years

PGHC: Gachsaran Petchem Facility Operational in 2 Years
The Persian Gulf Holding Company’s (PGHC) managing director Adel Nejad-Salim says Gachsaran Petrochemical Company has passed all the bottlenecks and will be operational by the Iranian calendar year of 1397 (2018-19) once necessary equipment is purchased.

Nejad-Salim told the meeting exclusive to Gachsaran Petrochemical Facility that development of petrochemical industry is the top priority of his company. 
He said Dehdasht Petrochemical Facility is the next target and due tenders will be run.

He said 500 million euros has been set aside for development of the petrochemical industries and 320 million euros out of the said sum are for petrochemical facilities in Gachsaran and Dehdasht.

Operations on Gachsaran petrochemical facility are under at a credit of 220 million euros and 41 percent progress has yet been observed in the project.

Sep 21, 2016 11:18
shana |


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