Tehran, Seoul finalize $650mn deal to purchase 10 ships

Tehran, Seoul finalize $650mn deal to purchase 10 ships
Hyundai Heavy Industries Company announced Sat. that it had received a final proposal by Iranian Shipping Lines (IRISL) to buy 10 ships worth 650 million dollars.

Accordingly, the South Korean company will manufacture and deliver 10 ships to the Islamic Republic of Iran as requested by IRISL.

Hyundai also said that the company will build several container ships and oil tankers for the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines for delivery as of the year 2018.

One of the container ship will enjoy a capacity of 14,500 containers though neither side has yet declared the exact number of container vessels and oil tankers.

The accord between Iran and South Korea marks the first ship purchase contract inked following the removal of sanctions and the nuclear deal between Iran and 5+1 group of countries.

Iranian and South Korean firms are expected to launch close cooperation not only for ship construction but also for development of Iran’s shipping industry especially in technical sectors.

In a statement, Hyundai Heavy Industries Company has announced “given that in recent years, especially following the 2008 economic crisis, purchase orders have plummeted, a new partnership with Iran will be of utmost momentous for both parties, the South Korean company in particular.”

Dec 11, 2016 14:44


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