Iran Oil, Condensate Exports Highest since 1979 Revolution: Veep

Iran Oil, Condensate Exports Highest since 1979 Revolution: Veep
First Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri said one of the outcomes of implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is that Iran's export of crude oil and gas condensate has reached its highest level since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

"In less than a year, Iran's export of crude oil and gas condensate has reached its highest level in the history of the Islamic Revolution," said the official on the occasion of the anniversary of the implementation of the JCPOA.
Jahangiri said that Iran has endures many hardships under the pretext of pursuing an atomic bomb in its nuclear program. 

He said, however, that the country has gained many achievements in recent years, especially since the JCPOA implementation. 
"Under the sanctions, Iran exported only one million barrels/day of crude oil which could have even lowered if the sanctions continued," the official added. "Fortunately, oil wells that were disused under the sanctions were put into operation again and Iran could recapture its place in the global oil market." 

Jan 18, 2017 11:09


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The section of oil, gas and petro-chemistry is the up-most and first industrial vantage of the country and the pivot of the Economy of Iran. Regarding the importance of this section and the need for coordinating and organizing the most active people in the field of production and exporting oil ,gas, and petrochemical products ,some forethoughtful and job- makers in the private section of the country decided to come together to fight against the threats by using the opportunity of mass intelligence and potentials.