NPC about to Ink Deal with European Firm

NPC about to Ink Deal with European Firm
An official with Iran's National Petrochemical Company (NPC) says the company is about to sign a deal with a leading petrochemical company from Europe.

Hossein Alimorad, director of investment at NPC, said the deal which is to be signed presently will concern technology transfer to Iran. 

"The draft of the deal has been provided and its final version will soon be signed," the official said. 

The contract will also encompass creation of joint licenses in petrochemical projects in Iran. The license is highly requested in the industry, he said. 

Alimorad said the Iranian minister of petroleum and NPC managing director will disclose more details about the deal once it is final. 

"The deal is the result of the talks NPC engaged in thanks to the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)," he added. 

He said NPC has highly prioritized technology transfer in the new deals it signs with foreign partners. 

May 31, 2017 15:37


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