Gasoil Output of Tehran Refinery Close to Europe Standards

Gasoil Output of Tehran Refinery Close to Europe Standards
The gasoil produced by Tehran Refinery almost meets the quality standards of Europe, spokesman of the Iranian parliament's energy committee says.

Asadollah Gharehkhani, a member of the Iranian parliament, said the refinery supplies gasoline with sulfur content of less than PPM

He said the quality has been made possible by exertion of powerful managerial measures and major investment in the facility.

Speaking on Sunday, the MP added that the refinery has played a major role in reduction of air pollution in the city of Tehran by supplying clean gasoil that is consumed by trucks mostly.

Gharehkhani further said the refinery has also improved its gasoline output and has dramatically reduced its sulfur and benzene content, adding the refinery produces petrol that meets Euro-4 standards.

Jul 15, 2017 13:48


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