Economic diplomacy becomes FM’s top priority

Economic diplomacy becomes FM’s top priority
Iranian FM Zarif said Foreign Ministry’s priorities in the new term will change from political and security outlooks to economic ones.

Speaking in a live national radio channel, Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, said diplomacy basically sought to remove barriers and create grounds as in the case of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) which alleviated obstacles though in a gradual manner.

He said the Foreign Ministry was to pave the path for familiarity of Iranian holdings, private sector and entrepreneurs with foreign counterparts and markets as well as for exploiting the potentials offered by the Islamic Republic of Iran in major arenas.

He stressed the need for transfer of investment and know-how to improve production conditions asserting “these measures are in line with targets pursued by the Resistance Economy as defined by the Leader.”

Iran’s foreign minister touched upon the plan to alter the outlook held by the Foreign Ministry explaining “as of victory of the Islamic Revolution when Iran was intruded by Saddam, the country’s diplomacy has had a political and security attitude while priorities need to change towards economic prospects.”

The official highlighted that Iranian ambassadors hold specialties in economic fields contrary to false claims made by certain groups.

“More capable ambassadors will be deployed to Iran’s embassies all across the globe as well as that One the Job Training (OJT) courses will be held to reinforce the economic outlook in all employees,” he underlined.

Mohammad Javad Zarif recalled that during visits to foreign countries, he was always accompanied by large delegations of private sector whose presence led to introduction of Iran’s capabilities to the world as well as their familiarity with global conditions; “similar policies will continue in a bid to promote inclinations towards economic diplomacy.”

At the end of his remarks, the official said Iran’s first female ambassador was appointed during the previous government expressing hope that women will be employed in top positions in the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Aug 23, 2017 16:00


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