Berlin to Temporarily Control Gazprom Unit

Berlin to Temporarily Control Gazprom Unit

BERLIN—The German government will temporarily take control of a key unit of Russian state-owned natural gas giant Gazprom PJSC in Germany in a bid to secure gas deliveries, as tensions grow between Russia and Europe over energy supplies. Economy minister Robert Habeck said Monday that the Federal Network Agency would become a trustee of Gazprom Germania GmbH until Sept. 30. The move comes after Gazprom on Friday said that it was exiting its business in Germany without elaborating. “The arrangement of the trust administration serves to protect public safety,” he said. The move was triggered by Gazprom’s failure to notify the government of a change of own ership of Gazprom Germania, as well as uncertainty as to who owns the assets, Mr. Habeck said. Gazprom didn’t respond to a request for comment. Gazprom Germania operates critical infrastructure in Germany, including gas storage, trading and transporting of natural gas. Mr. Habeck said gas supply currently is guaranteed. Gazprom has said that exports to Europe are continuing in line with contracts. Russia’s Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine and Europe’s subsequent sanctions against Moscow have triggered a growing tussle between the two over oil and gas supplies. Last month, President Vladimir Putin said Russia would only receive rubles as payment for gas exports. Gas contracts between German and Russian companies are typically denominated in euros. Germany and other European nations mostly have denounced the step, saying that they would continue to pay for the gas in euros or dollars. A decree signed by Mr. Putin last week outlined a plan whereby European customers would pay in euros or dollars to a Russian bank which would then purchase rubles to pay for the deliveries. The new rules would cover payments that have to be made later this month. Germany has been heavily dependent on Moscow for energy, importing more than half of its gas and about a third of its oil from Russia last year. Consecutive German governments gradually increased the country’s dependence on cheap energy imports from Russia. Following Russia’s invasion, the German government announced that it aimed to stop all gas imports from Russia by 2024 and end Russian oil imports by the end of the year. Just before the start of the war, Berlin halted the certification of the Nord Stream 2 undersea pipeline, which would have doubled the volume of Russian gas exported directly to Germany. Last week, Berlin triggered the early-warning stage of a contingency plan that aims to insulate the country against any possible reduction in Russian gas deliveries. The final stage of the plan, which could kick off if gas supplies are interrupted, would see gas being rationed in the country. A German government official said Gazprom’s attempt to transfer the ownership of the company to a foreign entity without seeking permission from the authorities fell afoul of German laws. It remains unclear why Gazprom transferred the ownership, and the company hasn’t communicated its intention to the government, the official said. Under German law, foreign acquisitions of strategic assets such as energy infrastructure must be approved by authorities if the buyer is a company from a non-EU third country. Gazprom Germania will now be under state administration for six months until the legal situation is cleared, the German official said.



Apr 5, 2022 13:25
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