Sanctions Hurt Oil Industry, Putin Says

Sanctions Hurt Oil Industry, Putin Says
President Vladimir Putin acknowledged that Western sanctions have stymied Russia’s energy industry, the country’s economic engine, and that it will need to reorient oil and gas sales from markets in Europe to Asia. Russia’s biggest energy customers by far are in Europe. While the EU hasn’t banned Russian oil and gas deliveries, sanctions have blocked some funding, technology and equipment necessary for the development of the sector. Some traders have avoided Russian oil, which is currently offered at a heavy discount to international benchmarks. The U.S. and Canada have both announced embargoes on Russian crude. Difficulties selling oil have backed up through Russia’s energy supply chain, leading to a drop in crude-oil production that analysts say will intensify in coming months. The challenges Russia’s energy industry is facing underscore the impact of Western sanctions on the country’s economy. Economists are predicting a brutal recession, coupled with a rise in unemployment and inflation. The oil-and-gas industry is the backbone of the Russian economy, with sales making up 45% of the federal budget in 2021. Beyond customers shunning its oil, Russia is also facing infrastructure problems at its more than 150,000 oil fields, many of which are old and need investment and equipment to be maintained, analysts say. The International Energy Agency forecast that, starting in May, nearly three million barrels a day in Russian production will be turned off. That would reduce output to fewer than nine million barrels a day, a larger pullback than other analysts have predicted. Mr. Putin warned that attempts by the West “to squeeze out Russian suppliers, to replace our energy resources with alternative supplies will inevitably affect the entire world economy.” 
Apr 16, 2022 10:01
wall street jornal |


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